About / Principles

Enriching Neighbourhoods.



SUB\URBAN WORKSHOP is a thoroughly modern ESG led real estate developer.

We develop and deliver innovative, arresting, healthy buildings for investors, tenants and occupiers who see the value in sustainably crafted pieces of architecture.

We’re on a mission to prove that combining sustainability, design, social value and economic returns is the best way to successful places.


The importance of a healthy lifestyle has increased over the last 10 years. The pandemic simply accelerated this trend.

Future occupiers are looking for places that enable them and their families to live rich, sustainable and balanced lives. This is particularly true for the ascendant generation.

Studies have shown that they want to live and work in neighbourhoods which strike the balance between socialising and nature, work and home life, connectedness and peace.

These are the kinds of neighbourhoods that SUB\URBAN WORKSHOP curates and delivers.


We are committed to creating developments which make a positive social, ecological and cultural contribution to their contexts. Whether that is through retro-fit led urban regeneration or semi-rural development.

We acknowledge that we will not be able to achieve this through purely conventional means, that is why we utilise technology, local and subject matter expertise to manage risk and create truly outstanding results.


“We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us.”

— Sir Winston Churchill, 1943

The multi-skilled nature of our team means we are always open to collaborating with experts who understand our vision and can amplify it’s impact.

This includes architects, designers, local authorities, academics, contractors and agents.

We view these engagements as partnerships and are committed to showing respect to all stakeholders and operating with professionalism and integrity.


We recognise that contemporary real-estate development is unpredictable and even more so when you’re trying to do good. That is why we only develop projects with multiple paths to commercial success.

Development requires many different people to trust us; we take this very seriously. Pursuing projects of this nature allows us to honour and protect that trust. Come what may.

We are proud of the 1000’s of homes and +100,000sqft of exciting commercial office we have created in our previous roles for world class organisations.

This solid foundation is infused with a spirit of adventure, openness and curiosity which we thoroughly believe will lead to the creation of some of the most exciting developments the UK has ever seen.

Join us.


“There is no logic that can be superimposed on the city; people make it, and it is to them, not buildings, that we must fit our plans.”

— Jane Jacobs